Hitting sixty with The Pink Fairies, 1910 Fruitgum Company, Lightnin' Hopkins, Nervous Norvus, Jenifer Jackson, Alejandro Escovedo, snatches of Roy Buchannan, Primal Scream, Glen Campbell, The Utah Symphony Orchestra...
Plus a shameless plug for the Wreckless Eric 60th birthday concert at the Lexington, London UK on 17th May 2014. And to carry the shameless plugging motif still further here's a link so you can buy a ticket to see an old man hit the buffers in public:
London Lexington May 17th ticket link
Leave any smart alec comments, criticisms etc in the box provided. All complaints will of course be fully investigated by our highly trained staff here at the Wreckless Eric Radio Show.
Plus a shameless plug for the Wreckless Eric 60th birthday concert at the Lexington, London UK on 17th May 2014. And to carry the shameless plugging motif still further here's a link so you can buy a ticket to see an old man hit the buffers in public:
London Lexington May 17th ticket link
Leave any smart alec comments, criticisms etc in the box provided. All complaints will of course be fully investigated by our highly trained staff here at the Wreckless Eric Radio Show.

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